Sunday 14th April : Lift High the Cross – words and music for Palm Sunday
Introit: O Crux Ave (R Dubra)
The Bidding
Act of Confession
The Absolution
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: There is a green hill far away
Lesson: The cross is foretold by the prophet Isaiah
Consort: Agnus Dei (from Missa Brevis by Healey Willan)
Lesson: Jesus enters Jerusalem
Hymn: My song is love unknown
Lesson: Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples
Consort: Thee we Adore ( text by Thomas Aquinas, music by R Lloyd)
Lesson: Jesus is tried before the High Priest
Consort: Ah, Holy Jesu (music by J Cruger, harmonised by J S Bach)
Lesson: Jesus is crucified
Consort: Crux fidelis (John IV King of Portugal)
The Lamb is crucified (Michael Showalter)
Hymn: When I survey the wondrous cross
Reading: St. Paul declares the exaltation of Jesus
Consort: Christus factus est (G F Anerio)
Consort: Ubi Caritas (O Gjello)
The Blessing
Hymn: Lift high the cross